Posts under Acupuncturist

News on Exercise by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Exercise Isn’t Harmful For People With Knee Osteoarthritis

Inactivity and rest makes pain and osteoarthritis worse, not better in the longer term. Our joints need movement and exercise to stimulate repair and keep them strong.

Female Having Acupuncture Treatment With Expert in Sherwood Park, AB

7 Ways Acupuncture Changes Your Brain, According To Science

“Unlike western medicine, Chinese medicine and acupuncture takes into account a patient’s whole being, and we address the entire body — including the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.”

Consumption of sugary drinks at Edmonton, AB

Drinking two or more diet beverages a day linked to high risk of stroke, heart attacks

“There is solid science that consumption of sugary drinks is associated with adverse health outcomes. Thus, it may be prudent to limit intake until we know more about how they may impact people’s risk of stroke.”

Yoga practice at Edmonton, AB

Yoga regimen reduces severity of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

“This study is one of the first to look at how yoga practice affects the systemic biomarkers of inflammation, cellular aging, and oxidative stress, especially in RA.”

News on Muscle Memory by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Muscle memory discovery ends ‘use it or lose it’ dogma

“Use it or lose it — until you use it again”

Massage Therapy by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Study Shows Massage Helps Ease Arthritis Pain & Improve Mobility

Short-term improvements in symptoms suggest massage could be a safe and effective treatment to complement to the management of knee osteoarthritis.

News on Health Approach at Edmonton, AB

Complementary Health Approaches for Seasonal Affective Disorder

“Some of the symptoms of the winter pattern of SAD include having low energy, overeating, craving carbohydrates, and social withdrawal. Light therapy has become a standard treatment of SAD, and antidepressants have also been shown to improve SAD symptoms.”

Importance of Treatment by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Three Reasons It Matters Why A Treatment Works

“Why exactly does someone feel better after massage? Or acupuncture? Or foam rolling? Or a chiropractic adjustment, or wearing K-tape, or doing mobility drills, or a hamstring stretch? There are some good answers to these questions.”

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