Myofascial Release in Sherwood Park, AB

Book a Myofascial Release Massage in Sherwood Park, AB Today

Get A Myofascial Massage from All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

If you’re a Sherwood Park, AB resident dealing with skeletal muscle immobility, reach out to the pros at All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic to book a highly-beneficial Myofascial Release Massage. This massage type offers bodily balance for those suffering through chronic pain that can be attributed to injured muscle fibers. Our team has seen the effectiveness of this therapy and proudly stands behind its many benefits. We have been using massage therapies to help our clients overcome injury and illness for a decade. We look forward to using myofascial release massage techniques to improve your bodily function, so you can get back to living a pain-free life. Learn more about how this innovative therapy can help relieve the pent-up tension in your body.

What is Myofascial Release Massage?

A myofascial release massage is a therapy that treats skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation. This therapy-type also aids in stimulating the stretch reflex in the muscles and fascia. Fascia is a thin, tough, elastic-type of connective tissue that covers all the organs within the human body, working to support and protect every muscle, as well as every fiber within each muscle. When these fibers are injured, they become short and tight. This is a common occurrence and is most likely the result of disease, overuse, trauma, infectious agents, or inactivity. These can cause pain, muscle tension, and corresponding diminished blood flow. A myofascial release massage utilizes a combination of massage techniques and stretching that is specially designed to soothe those with soft-tissue ailments.

What to Expect from a Myofascial Release Massage

The myofascial release massage technique is a very gentle and relaxing form of treatment that is used to equalize muscle tension throughout the body. Our massage professionals will start by applying a slight amount of pressure or traction to the restricted areas of the body. This localized pressure is held for about five minutes, where you can expect to feel the tissue begin to soften. As this softening continues, we will slowly increase the amount of pressure and stretch applied. This time duration is a crucial component to fully releasing the deep layers of the fascial system and, in turn, allowing the body to begin the healing process.

What are the Benefits of a Myofascial Release Massage?

The myofascial release massage technique has gained a lot of recognition in recent years due to its countless health benefits that can be felt in as little as one session. Below, our team has taken the time to list out some of the top benefits our clients have experienced after receiving this massage:

  • A Decrease in Chronic Pain – Chronic pain is caused by the restriction of muscles and soft tissues within the body. The myofascial release massage technique works to effectively stretch and loosen fascia to improve any kinks and overall range of motion.
  • Strengthened Immune System – With the help of a myofascial release massage, the body is able to rid itself of a good portion of stressors that have manifested inside. This allows the various immune systems within the body to have a chance to “re-start” and better protect itself from harmful outside elements.
  • Improvement in Nerve Function – The myofascial release massage technique incorporates all the proper strokes and movements that are commonly used to help improve the nerve function of the body. Whether you have suffered nerve damage from an accident or have normal nerve function, a myofascial release massage will improve nerve function and physical mobility.
  • Increased Blood Circulation – It is vastly important that your blood flow stays at a normal, healthy pace to ensure every portion of your body is receiving the nourishment it needs. When you are dealing with constricted muscles and tissues, they can actually hinder the natural flow of blood, causing trouble in the body if left untreated. A myofascial release massage relaxes kinks and tightness, treating areas of concern so your blood can get back to pumping efficiently once again.

Book Your Myofascial Release Massage Now!

At All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic, we want you to understand there is a solution to chronic pain and stress that doesn’t include invasive surgical procedures and potentially addictive pain medication. We have been providing Sherwood Park, AB locals with highly-effective massage treatments for ten years and have seen the healing possibilities of these techniques first-hand. If you have exhausted all other methods trying to cope with pain and discomfort, we urge you to consider contacting our professional team to book your very own myofascial release massage. We look forward to seeing how our innovative approach to bodily care can assist in your healing journey.


  • 30 min – $65
  • 45 min – $85
  • 60 min – $100
  • 75 min – $125
  • 90 min – $140


10 x 60 minute massages
for $900

(Regular price is $1000)
10 massages for the price of 9! Savings of $100! 30 and 45 minute pkgs also available.


5 x 60 minute massages for $450
(Regular price is $500)
10% savings!