Posts under registered massage therapists

Deep Tissue Massage at All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

This is How Massage Helps Build a Healthy Immune System

In the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, no one should be giving or receiving massage therapy. However, it is worth noting that receiving regular massage may contribute to a healthier immune system and should be a part of everyone’s self-care routine once the pandemic has ended.   This is How Massage Helps Build a […]

Sitting diseases explained by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Sitting Disease

What are the risks of too much sitting?

Risk of depression guided by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

A Sleepless Brain Leads to Emotional Negativity

“Ultimately, the results can help us understand how chronic sleep problems, sleepiness and tiredness contribute to psychiatric conditions, such as by increasing the risk of depression.”

Health News by All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

How the bacteria in your gut affect your mind and body?

We’ve all heard the saying “trust your gut” & now there is science behind how bacteria in your guts affects your mind & body.