Posts under Relaxation Massage

Maintenance Massage in Sherwood Park

The Benefits of a Massage Maintenance Package

Most people would gladly schedule a massage every day if time and money were no object. Even if massage therapy was nothing but a relaxation tool, that alone would be worth it. As it is, massage treatment is one of the greatest tools for eliminating stress, increasing flexibility, and promoting overall well-being. This makes it […]

Deep Tissue Massage at All Deep Massage & Wellness Clinic

Are Deep Tissue Massages Supposed to Hurt?

Most people finish a deep tissue massage feeling totally relaxed and rested. The low lighting, soothing music, and aromatic lotions even put some people to sleep! So why do your muscles feel sore the next day, as if you did a strenuous workout? Does this mean your massage therapist did something wrong? As long as […]

Cosmetic Acupuncture in Sherwood Park, AB

What Type of Massage Therapy Should You Choose?

If you’re interested in scheduling a massage, you may not realize how many types you have to choose from. Making the right selection is about more than just your preference for light pressure or deep pressure—the massage you get should be based on your health and physical condition. For example, are you hoping to relax, […]

Understand Stress response at Edmonton, AB

Understanding the stress response

“Many people are unable to find a way to put the brakes on stress.  After a while, this has an effect on the body that contributes to the health problems associated with chronic stress.”